You're joking, right? First of all the speeding violations you cite are mere infractions and they are handled by giving the driver a ticket and allowing them to drive off.
For example, one such incident you're referring to cites a person for driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. That is a speeding ticket. The officer issues it, tells you to slow down, then sends you on your way.
Moreover, the fact that this was a 65 mph zone indicates that this was on an interstate highway, where no pedestrians are expected, in a non-residential area.
Herrin, by contrast, drove 102 mph in a 40 mph zone. That's 62 mph over the posted speed limit. Anything over 50 mph over the speed limit in Florida is a third-degree felony! Had Cameron been clocked at that speed, even if he hadn't hit anyone, the cops would not issue a ticket. They would throw him in jail and he would be facing felony charges.
Moreover, Cameron did this in a residential area with a high volume of foot traffic.
You can't compare the two. And the Governor will not commute Cameron's sentence. Most Floridians think he got what he deserved.
And how dare you call her a bitch when your hero Cameron killed her niece and sister-in-law. You ought to be ashamed! She committed minor traffic violations. Cameron's speed alone qualified as a third-degree-felony.