You are incorrect, and for all your eloquent rationalization, you will never distort the meaning of the word into something that excludes soi-disant marginalized groups from being racist.
First, let's look at the word: racist.
According to Webster's, the suffix -ist means:
: one that adheres to or advocates a (specified) doctrine or system or code of behavior
or that of a (specified) individual
Notice it says that "adheres to or advocates," not "lives under." A believer in the aforementioned philosophy. The system that the person lives under in completely irrelevant to the question.
Suppose you met someone in the United States who believed that communism is the best form of government there is and that every nation in the world should switch to a communist form of government.
You might say, "So, you're a communist?"
If he responded, "Oh, I can't be a communist, because communists have never been in power in the United States!" you would think (correctly) that you're dealing with an imbecile.
The system he lives under doesn't matter. If he believes in communism, he's a communist.
If you believe in God, and you happened to be living in a country that outlaws all religion, insisting that there are no gods, you would still be a theist. Living under an atheist government.
Again proving that the society you live in is completely irrelevant to the question. If you believe in social or legal institutions that favor individuals on the basis of race, such as affirmative action, reparations, black student government, black safe spaces, black caucus in government, etc., then you believe in social or legal institutions that favor individuals on the basis of race; ergo, you are a racist. Even by your own dubious definition.
I give you an A for effort. But you get an F for logic and the conclusions you draw from it. And the average of 100% with a 0% is 50%. Still an F.
Addendum: By the way, who says that whites are at the top of the pyramid, even in the U.S.? Asians tend to outperform whites in all areas: income, stability of the family unit and crime rates.