Well, I won't lie to you. Cameron is a young man, in shape. However, he has close supervision, so he might be all right. Which is a good thing for him. You may have heard that child molesters have the worst time in prison, and that's true. Obviously, Cameron is not a child molester. However, the reason they have such a hard time is that many inmates have children of their own that they can't see. So, I would imagine that they would take a very dim view of someone who killed a child through recklessness and irresponsibility.
And while I'm not without sympathy, the one thing I can't stand about his supporters is that they seem to forget the real victims of this case. Not just Jessica and Lillia. But Jessica's parents. No parent should ever have to bury their child, to say nothing of their grandchild.
And David Raubenolt also had to bury his child, along with his wife.
I respond to you, because unlike 90% of Cameron's fan club, you actually cared to mention them.
"Oh, poor Cameron! We must pray that he is released and that his family finds healing."
Well, Jessica's parents and David Raubenolt are suffer a far worse loss than Cameron's family.
Do Cameron's fans ever pray that her parents find healing? Do they ever pray that David finds healing and finds love again? It just doesn't seem that way.
And let's not forget, harsh or not, Cameron is being punished for something he did wrong. Jessica, Lillia, David and Jessica's parents didn't do anything wrong.
And obviously no one seems to care about them because they keep saying, "Oh, let's not add a third victim."
Cameron's not the third victim, or the fourth, or fifth. Those spots are already taken by David and Jessica's parents. To say nothing of her siblings and extended family.