In a word, ridiculous.
De-escalation was not option here. Five seconds before Nicholas Reardon pulled the trigger, thereby ending Ma'Khia Bryant's life, he didn't even know Ma'Khia Bryant existed.
Less than five seconds prior to the shooting, Ma'Khia Bryant emerged from a group in a tussle with Shai-Onta Lana Craig-Watkins.
Craig-Watkins fell to the ground, almost falling into Officer Reardon, and Bryant fell on top of her.
Bryant quickly regained her feet, not even slowing down despite the presence of a police officer. She couldn't have missed him. Aside from the fact that he yelled "Hey!" four times, she practically fell into him. In the meantime, Myron Hammonds, who is also Bryant's father, began kicking Craig-Watkins. Apparently, trying to halt the rampage of his knife-wielding daughter was of secondary importance to kicking the head a helpless woman lying on the ground.
Brandishing a steak knife, she then lunged at Tionna Bonner, pinning her to a car, ignoring Officer Reardon's orders to "Get down!" which he yelled four times.
Bryant was then shot as she was less than a second away from stabbing Bonner.
You will not find a better example of a justified police shooting than this incident.
I would just love to know what you think a social worker could have done, in the space of less than five seconds, to de-escalate this situation.
Do tell us all. We're just dying to know.