I'm sure that the fact that she hates this country also has nothing to do with their ire. Let's not pretend that Brittany Griner is anything like a saint. Or that the reason anyone objects to her being released can only be due to her sexuality or race.
She is also a known wife-beater. Which doesn't make her so different from a lot of pampered athletes whose celebrity gives them breaks that the rest of us would not. And she attempted to annul her marriage after less than a month when she learned her partner was pregnant through in-vitro fertilization.
If she ever again lays violent hands on her spouse (or anyone else, for that matter), it would suit me just fine if she served prison time here.
Also, let's not forget that she was traded for the "Merchant of Death" who placed weapons in the hands of our enemies, who, in turn, used them to kill our troops. Viktor Bout served 14 of his 25-year sentence. Frankly, I think the 25 years he got was too lenient.
Think of me what you will, but I'm not okay with someone directly responsible for the deaths of our troops being let out of prison eleven years early, in exchange for a pampered, violent, spoiled athlete. And if anyone is okay with this, I have only to ask, "What the hell is wrong with you?"
Putin must be laughing himself silly. Biden was really willing to release a murderer and arms trafficker who killed our troops in exchange for basketball player.