I should tell you that the state of Florida freely admits that their purpose is to punish. Rehabilitation is only of secondary importance. In Florida, the message is, "Get your stupid act together. Or else."
So, if you're expecting Floridians to stop and think, "Gee, our prisons aren't really reforming anyone. They're just punishing people!"
The response will be, "Yeah. So what's your point?"
Second, you don't know the state of Florida at all. If you asked for a public viewpoint and judgment were based on that public viewpoint, Cameron would never see the light of day again. This state is ultra- ultra-conservative. We have a very large elderly population, retirees. We have Stand Your Ground, Make My Day, and Castle Doctrine. This state voted for Trump.
Third, regarding your suggestion that some people might see themselves in Cameron, I genuinely hope not.
Some things you may not realize. Cameron Herrin was in a residential area when he chose to drag race. As a matter of fact, Bayshore Blvd., Tampa, Florida has the longest sidewalk in the world. Not kidding. Google it. Google "longest sidewalk in the world," and you will find Bayshore Boulevard, Tampa.
So, while I did reckless things at 18, I can assure you that going 102 mph in a residential area, during daylight hours during tourist season was never among them. My 18-year-old self would be shocked by the idea.
Fourth, regarding your suggestion that Cameron should be considered a minor because he called his mother, that's a hard NO! from me.
I'm 55 years old. So if I commit a crime, all I have to is call my mother, and I get treated like a minor in court? I don't think so.
A person needs to learn responsibility and in the United States, your eighteenth birthday is your cutoff date. Once you hit that milestone, ready or not, there you are.
Finally, there are other factors that you fail to consider which weighed into the sentencing. Cameron is a known scofflaw when it comes to traffic laws. The car's navigation system has recorded him not only going 102 mph in a residential area (over 2.5 times the posted limit), but going over 160 mph on the interstate. And his text messages with his friends indicate his conviction that because he has a Mustang, it's bascially his God-given right to go as fast as he wants. His 'Stang, as he calls it, needs to used to its fullest capacity. So, it's not only his right. He sees it as his responsibility to do that.
I have no problem when someone with so much arrogance that it verges on narcissism is hit in the face with a clue-by-four. You weep for Cameron, because he won't be out of prison until 45. You think his sentence is harsh? Well, Jessica got the death penalty for crossing the street. And her baby got the same for being Jessica's baby.
They don't get to enjoy any part of their lives. Not at 45. Not ever.
Because Cameron wanted to race his fancy new car.