I can only wryly smirk every time I hear the expression “White Fragility.” First, Robin DiAngelo is a grifter, nothing more. She is also the highest paid speaker in race relations in the entire country. So, essentially, you’re promoting a White woman to speak on the topic of race relations over every non-White speaker on this subject.
Second, the term is so laughably ironic. Basically her premise is that when White people are confronted on instances of their supposed racism, they aren’t allowed to respond in any way except to admit that they are racist and everything is their fault. They aren’t allowed to question, challenge or refute anything, not even in instances of objectively incorrect information.
So, when non-Whites accuse White people of racism, White people aren’t allowed to defend themselves in any way, even if they feel they are being judged unfairly, yet it’s White people who are fragile???
Evidently, DiAngelo thinks that non-Whites are so sensitive, and their arguments are so flimsy, that they can’t endure even the slightest challenge to their accusations, but it’s White people who are fragile???
In a word, no. There are many, many instances of bad faith actors. You will never attain the utopia you seek where allegations are made against White people can only be uncritically accepted and aren’t allowed to be challenged.
Wesley Michel is a liar.
Jonathan Butler is a liar.
Bonita Tindle is a liar.
Jussie Smollett is a liar.
Tawana Brawley is a liar.
Crystal Mangum is a liar.
Alexis Briggs, Asha Burwell and Ariel Agudio are liars.
The list goes on. And as long as there are bad faith actors (on both sides) no White person should ever be silent in face of racist accusations. We all have the right to speak in our own behalf. There’s no exceptions made for White people being accused of racism.
EDIT: I guarantee that the responses to my comment will start with, “You’re just proving her point.”