According to the laws of Florida, he will have to serve at least 85% of his sentence. If he has to serve the remaining part, that depends on the Department of Corrections. That's where good behavior comes in. It's entirely their discretion.
And forgive me if I tell you something that you're already aware of, but I've been communicating with Twitter users, making ridiculous assumptions, and they are usually from Arabic countries, for some odd reason. So, they really have no idea about appeals or who can pardon.
They've been tweeting all manner of people, including the Mayor of Tampa, state representatives, Joe Biden, and I even saw one directed at Lady Gaga. Govenor Ron DeSantis is the only one who can pardon or commute a state crime in Florida. Joe Biden has nothing to do with this.
To say nothing of what they think they know about U.S. laws, or Bayshore Blvd., which is less than 30 miles from my home, a winding road and on the beach in a residential area.
But as I explained to others, he has appeals coming. He is not getting a second trial. So, this "evidence" that people think they have that "proves" Cameron's innocence is moot. He pleaded guilty. Yes, he was going at 102 mph, and managed to slow down to 30-40 before impacting Jessica and Lillia. Yes, the car's navigation system does have him clocked at over 160 mph on the interstate.
I don't know where I saw this, but his next appeal, if the image someone shared with me is an accurate representation, is with a woman judge. Women generally give lesser sentences than men.
And he can also appeal the State Supreme Court after that.
He is not getting a new trial to determine his guilt. He pleaded guilty; he is guilty. The appeals is just to determined whether the sentence is fair.
Frankly, I have no sympathy for him. I was 18 and stupid, too. But I never thought I could drive down a residential neighborhood at 102 mph. And his texts with John Barrineau, his buddy that he drag-raced with, reveal an extremely arrogant and entitled mindset that verges on narcissism. He considered it perfectly within his rights to thumb his nose at speed limit laws, even his duty. He said that his "'Stang gotta let loose."
And if anyone thinks that his sentence is too harsh, well, Jessica and Lillia got the death penalty.